HSC : Lebih Memahami Karakternya - Game 3 Day 12

Senin, Januari 15, 2018

Signs, Habits & Parenting


oleh Debolina Raja

dari MomJunction dot com

Is your child always on the brink of tears? Does your child suddenly go all quiet, or shy away from people and situations? Do you feel your child’s reactions are a little too emotional? If your answers are yes, then your child could be sensitive. A sensitive child needs to be dealt with delicately.

If you feel your parenting skills are resulting in extreme reactions from your child, maybe it’s time to do a reality check. Read on to know if your child is highly sensitive and what you need to do to handle him with care.



Saya mulai merasakannya semenjak dia berumur beberapa bulan.

Saya tidak tau banyak tentang karakter anak dan semacamnya. Yang saya lakukan hanya memberikan yang terbaik. Tapi saya yang masih lemah ini harus terus belajar demi menjadi ibu yang lebih baik lagi hari demi hari.



Signs Of A Highly Sensitive Child

A highly sensitive child, as the name suggests, is more susceptible to the people and situations around him. Here are a few highly sensitive child traits you may notice in your child :

1. Your highly sensitive child will react with emotionally to almost everything.

A simple visit to a pet store could leave him feeling miserable for the animals there. A stern look from you could reduce him to tears. Being highly sensitive also makes your child empathize with others. He may feel so bad about others’ problems that he wants to go out of his way to help them. He may worry too much about others and want to make things right for them.

2. Broods Over Failures

If your child is highly sensitive, he will delve deeper into things than most other children of his age do. For your child, a simple event like failure to achieve a particular target will not be just that. He broods over the matter, thinking why he did not realize the mistake in time, and what he could have done about it. This could result in stress and anxiety.

3. Takes Things Personally

For your child, being highly emotional means that everything that happens is personal. Your child will react to everything in a way where he feels whatever others say is applicable to him only.

4. Difficulty In Making A Choice

A common trait among highly sensitive children is the difficulty in taking a decision. Your child will look into various details and subtleties, making it difficult for him to select. For instance, if asked to choose a flavor of ice cream, your child will take a long time to decide. In certain cases, he may find it difficult to choose, like something as simple as choosing a partner in a game.

5. Feels Guilty

If your child feels that he has taken a wrong decision he will feel extremely guilty. He will ponder over too much into the reasons. No matter what you say or do, he would not come out of it for a long time.

6. Displays A Tough Exterior

You don’t want to be on the wrong side for your sensitive kids. They may be mad at you for a month. They may be hurt by something you did or said and will simply hold on it than expressing it to you.

7. Well-mannered And Polite

Kids who are sensitive are well behaved and also expect to be in similar surroundings.

8. They Read People Well

Sensitive kids have a keen sense of observation and know people well. They observe character traits and gather an accurate story of who the person is.

9. They Love Animals

Kids who are sensitive develop a special bond with animals wherein they trust them completely. It’s not just trust they are also sensitive to the needs of animals and take extra care of it.

10. They Ask A Lot Of Questions

Kids generally ask a lot of questions. At times the questions can be irritating and may be personal. But in general the questions may leave you with a sense of positive thought.

11. They Are Calculative And Take Firm Decisions

Sensitive kids generally make decisions after putting in a lot of going through a lot of emotions. They do things for a reason and if they fail, they are often left in self-doubt. Once they have taken a decision, they usually stand by it even if they are alone and can be disheartened at times to see how insensitive others can be.

12. They Feel Accountable And Admit Their Mistakes

Sensitive kids not only try and study their environment but also continually evaluate themselves and keep their emotions in check. If they feel they have done a mistake they don’t hesitate to admit it and they always appreciate others for small acts.


Artinya apa ?

Artinya saya yang harus belajar kecerdasan emosi.

Karena saya kadang tidak bisa mengontrol emosi dengan baik.

Bahkan walau sekedar diam pun Syaima bisa merasakan gejolak emosi saya.

Semoga Allaah mengampuni.

Sudah diamanahi bayi imut yang taking care of other dan sweet begini kalo masih ga bisa memberi teladan yang baik itu kebangetan...







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