Highly Sensitive Child : Hal-Hal yang Tidak Perlu Didengarkan - Game Level 3

Jumat, Januari 19, 2018

1. “If You Want  To Sort Them, Give Them One For Good”

The last thing the parent of a highly sensitive child would do is to punish them or try hitting them. It would trigger an adverse effect. Things like raising voice against the child will harm his tender heart immeasurably.

Saya tidak pernah memukul.
It's a big no.
Tapi, jujur saja saya pernah meninggikan suara ketika kehilangan kontrol.

Dan itu langsung membuatnya diam. Bukan diam yang benar. Tapi diam yang 'tidak benar'. Ada yang salah dengan diamnya.
Seperti kaca yang pecah karena pukulan.
Dia menjadi diam karena 'terluka' dan saya menyadari hal itu akan melunturkan kepercayaannya pada orang tua nya ini.

Seperti kata ustad, salah satu hal paling penting yang diberikan anak kepada kedua orangtuanya adalah kepercayaan.

Semoga Allaah mengampuni Ummi.
Maafkan ummi ya nak.


2. “Make Them Attend Social Events And They Will Learn”

Busy activities can be too much to handle for highly sensitive children. It might take weeks for them to become normal after such events. Instead, when we respect their privacy, it will send them a positive message that we understand their boundaries. Such empathy will help them to become social with guidance.

Syaima suka bertemu banyak orang. Karena dia suka 'tampil' dan cenderung narsis.

Tidak ada masalah mengenai hidup bersosialisasi.
Tapi kadang memang dia lebih suka sibuk sendiri.
Tidak seperti teman-temannya yang selalu bermain di luar.
Dia hanya kadang-kadang saja.


3. “Leave Them By Themselves And They Will Come Around”

The issues which are troubling an extremely sensitive child are real. Leaving them by themselves in such a situation will only worsen the situation. If a child is not able to adjust to a new dress or a new environment, the thought will constantly be on their mind until you act and help them to get over the thought.

Ya. Time out sangat tidak berlaku untuknya.
Yang ada dia akan menjadi sangat histeris dan merasa sangat bersalah.

Pelukan dan bisikan “Gapapa. Yuk, ummi bantu...” justru lebih ampuh untuknya.

Dia mengerti, lebih mengerti dan memahami apa yang terjadi dari pada anak seumurannya.


4. “She Is Getting Too Personal”

Highly sensitive children take things to their heart and easily get involved emotionally. It takes time to teach them not be so and things just won’t happen over a day. Discarding their feelings with conclusions is never helpful.

Baperan ?

Bukan sih, lebih tepatnya perasa.
Segala hal dia rasakan dengan hatinya.

Seperti semalam.
Dia merajuk karena saya tidak menoleh ketika dia memanggil.
Saya yang sedang konsen mengaduk nasi, tidak begitu mendengar panghilannya.
Jadilah saya minta maaf.

Ketika mendengar suara tangisan anak tetangga, dia akan bertanya “Dia kenapa ya ummi ?”.

Semuanya masuk ke hatinya. Apapun yang dia lakukan pun sepenuh hati.

Jadi saya harus jeli, bahkan pada hal-hal kecil yang dia lakukan.


5. “She Needs To Be Involved In The Team”

Highly sensitive children often find it difficult to participate in team games as they feel stressed out due to competition. At times, team games may involve elements where they can be teased, or they may not be confident. Forcing them to play such sports will only damage their self-esteem and leave a permanent mark in their lives. Sometimes team games do help them to boost their confidence. If an extremely sensitive child is not a team player, you can encourage him to participate in sports which he can play individually.

Syaima is kinda game player.
Dia asyik sendiri, tapi juga suka ketika harus berbagi tugas dalam team.


6. “It Is Just A Thing That She Is Afraid Of”

The fear experienced by highly sensitive children is real, however petty it may seem. If they are alarmed or scared of anything, always acknowledge their fear and build confidence in them to face it. Talk to them on how they should overcome their fear.

Seperti syaima yang takut kucing.
Selalu saya sounding bahwa “Syaima tidak takut kucing. Syaima sayang kucing”.
Butuh waktu lama.
Tapi alhamduliLLaah sekarang mulai tidak takut kucing.

Juga hal-hal lain seperti suara blender, hewan kecil, serangga, kupu-kupu dan macam-macam.


7. “Toughen Them Up”

A highly sensitive child struggles to cope up with the surroundings. Do not be insensitive by making attempts to toughen them up. They might feel insecure as they can’t be who they are and lose their individuality. Giving them guidance on how to handle situations and taking care of them will gradually help them cope up with them.

Ya. Selalu menjelaskan apa yang terjadi, bagaimana menghadapi dan menangani sesuatu. Dan penjelasan-penjelasan lain akan sangat membantu.

Dia akan mendengarkan. Dan dia akan memahami.
Lebih paham dari pada anak seumurannya.

I proved it.


8. “She Is A Cry Baby”

As mentioned above, highly sensitive children take things to heart. Under uncomfortable situations, they find it too hard to hide their tears. You should empathize with them and understand their real feelings. Give them tools to cope up with situations than ridiculing them for their tears.

Orang yang tidak paham karakternya pasti akan mengatakan itu.
“Anak cengeng.”
“Gitu aja nangis.”
Dan lain lain..

No. Padahal itu karena kepekaan hati nya.


9. “They Have To Adjust However Distracting Environment Can Be”

An extremely sensitive child who is trying to cope up with the environment of the school or a group will find it highly difficult. Sometimes, the teacher may simply suggest that they have to adjust like the other students. But for a highly sensitive children, the problem is real and being in a distractive environment would simply worsen their feelings.

AlhamduliLLaah, tidak berada di lingkungan yang memaksanya untuk menyesuaikan diri pada hal-hal yang dia tidak cocok.

Sebenarnya ini yang saya khawatirkan, bila masuk sekolah baru nantinya.
Khawatir lingkungannya nanti tidak cicik dengan dirinya.
Kami masih menimbang homeschool.


10. “Is It Her You Are Talking About As She Is Not That Kid”

Highly sensitive children may put up a positive behaviour at school but throw up a tantrum at home. It is because she knows that the parents would understand her and in school she has to manage by herself.
Teachers may not understand that your child behaves that way at home.


Tidak juga. Di sekolah pun dia bisa ngambek.

Saya ingat ketika olah raga.
Ditengah senam, barisan anak-anak mulai kocar-kacir.
Lalu Bunda Guru menata kembali anakk-anak pada posisi awalnya.
Menggeser mereka satu demi satu.
Anak lain sih biasa saja, digeser atau diposisikan dimana saja nurut dan lanjut senam.

Pas giliran Syaima yang digeser, dia mendadak berhenti mengikuti gerakan senam dan cemberut hampir menangis.

Saya paham apa yang terjadi. Saya buka ke dua tangan saya, kode untuk memeluknya.

Dia pun lari ke pelukan saya dan menangis sesegukan. Mengatakan bahwa dia tidak mau dipindah.


Bagi yang tidak memahami karakter seperti ini, mereka akan menganggap hal ini lebay.
Padahal justru sebaliknya, hal semacam ini adalah santapan setiap saat.


If your child is highly sensitive, you are lucky to have such a caring person in your life.

Not all children can think about others the way your child can.

Be proud of your highly sensitive child and show her and the world that you are a lucky mommy.

Team with your child and be her biggest supporter too!
Hot to parent a highly sensitive child is extremely difficult.


AlhamduliLLaah. AlhamduliLLaah.
MasyaaAllaah 💖



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