Bulan ini, Ibu Profesional Karawang mengadakan tantangan Family Project untuk menggaungkan tema Changemaker Family yang diusung IIP.
Saya mau ikutan ?
Emang saya bisa apa ?
It's all about sharing, bukan tentang aku hebat dalam hal ini atau itu.
Seperti pesan ibu Septi yang disampaikan lewat ibu Korwil Ummi Haajiroh,
"Perbanyak menebar benih kebaikan".
Niatkan dengan hati yang bersih bahwa kita ingin berbagi ide dan menebar inspirasi, itu saja titik.
Bukan tentang menang kalah, eksistensi, presentasi di depan publik.
Hohohoo.. jauhlah ya saya mah.
Ditambah lagi, ketika tengah asik berselancar di instagram, saya menemukan 'sesuatu'.
"Jika engkau merasa bahwa segala yang ada di sekitar mu gelap dan pekat,
tidak kah dirimu curiga,
bahwa engkaulah yang dikirim oleh Allaah untuk menjadi cahaya bagi mereka ?
Berhentilah mengeluhkan kegelapan itu.
Sebab sinarmualah yang sedang mereka nantikan.
Maka berkilaulah."
Sesuatu banget.
Saya membacanya dengan hati bergetar.
Mata ini hampir berkaca-kaca.Lebay
Iya, kenapa saya terus bergantung dan menunggu cahaya datang ?
Bukankah saya bisa menjadi cahaya yang dinantikan itu.
Fampro for Changmaker Family
Project :
Berbagi file belajar (worksheet) gratis di Blog
Pembagian Tugas :
Ummi : Membuat worksheet, Desain, Lay out dan Publishing.
Abi : Editor isi dan Pelaksana lapangan
Syaima : Eksekutor a.k.a. yang ngerjain worksheetnya :D
Media : Blog saya
Family Forum : Brainstorming dan menyusun ide worksheet.
Bagaimana Prosesnya ?
Kami akan mulai dengan membuat setidaknya satu lembar worksheet dalam sepekan.
Worksheet tidak hanya berupa media belajar baca, tulis saja.
Tapi bisa berisi banyak hal lain.
Printable untuk bermain, menguunting, puzzle, flashcard, poster, dan lain sebagainya.
Worksheetnya akan kami susun untuk range usia Syaima, tentu saja.
Karena kembali pada prinsip, berbagi inspirasi.
Bagaimana kita bisa membagi inspirasi jika kita sendiri belum mengalami inspirasi tersebut.
Jadi, kami akan mencetak dan mengajak syaima bermain dengan worksheet tersebut.
Jika Syaima menikmati, setidaknya anak yang setipe dan seumuran dengannya insyaAllaah juga akan menikmati.
Selain itu saya pribadi juga ingin berbagi worksheet untuk para emak. Seperti daily planner, weekly planner, kalender pribadi dan semacamnya.
Juga berupa file pdf berisi berbagai macam emak-things.
Beberapa malah sudah saya buat, tinggal upload link download.
Yaa Allaah, excited banget mau berbagi. Jadi semangat mau menyusunnya.
Kenapa ?
Karena pengalaman kami mencari media belajar selama ini.
saya harus sering-sering searching kesana-kemari mencari printable dan ide bermain untuk Syaima.
Dapat ?
Dapat, tapi kebanyakan yang kami dapat berasal dari luar, kebanyakan dari wilayah eropa, inggris dan US.
Yang sudah pasti berbeda latar belakang, berbeda pula konsep dan kontennya.
Juga beda pula bahasanya. Ini sangat penting karena Syaima memasuki fase pre-reading. Yang ketika saya mengucap kata 'buku' maka saya sambil menunjuk gambar dan tulisannya. Masa saya mengucap "buku" tapi ejaanya b-o-o-k. Nantinya malah akan menyulitkan dan membingungkan Syaima.
Seperti ini.
Juga tema worksheet nya, seperti valentine themed, christmas, thanksgiving, 4 seasons, dan lain-lain.
Yang harus kami edit terlebih dulu.
Yang ada, jadinya saya menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu untuk mencari-menyunting-mencetak.
Waktu kebersamaan malah hanya sedikit.
Pun tema yang ingin kami lejitkan terlebih dahulu untuk Syaima.
Seperti mengaji, sholat, keimanan, dan semacamnya, yang tidak bisa kami dapatkan cuma-cuma di internet.
Ada sih, tapi kurang sesuai dengan umur dan minat Syaima.
Saya pernah membahasnya di postingan ini.
Akhirnya, saya pun menemukan media yang lumayan cocok dengan Syaima.
Karena media ini memang terbitan dalam negeri.
Kami berlangganan dengan biaya langganan sembilan ratus ribu hingga 2,4 juta pertahun.
Uwoww banget ya.
Saya berlangganan setahun.
Asikk sih. Sesuai dengan apa yang kami harapkan.
Tapi, setelah saya amati, saya kan bisa bikin beginian. Walaupun grafisnya tidak sebagus dibandingkan yang berlangganan :D
Setidaknya ala-ala gitu, hehee..
Tapi kan semua hal besar berawal dari yang ala-ala, iya bukan ?menghibur diri
Jadilah saya bertekad ingin menyusun sendiri worksheet dan ide-ide bermain. Lalu membaginya di blog.
Pikiran ini sudah muncul sejak lamaaaa dahulu.
Tapi belum menemukan jalan, masih buntu.
Makin ke sini, saya makin tau bagaimana memulainya. Apalagi sejak di IIP.
MasyaaAllaah, semakin tertantang.
Ditambah lagi saya ditantang salah satu teman sekaligus pengurus rumbel untuk berbagi di acara IIP di hari ahad nanti.
Dimana pada hari ahad nanti insyaaAllaah saya akan memandu teman-teman membuat berbagai permainan untuk menstimulasi pre-reading and pre-writing skills.
Beberapa permainannya memerlukan printable yang insyaaAllaah saya sendiri yang akan membuatnya.
Nantinya akan kami share di blog ini secara gratis di page Free Download.
So, our first project will be here soon.
Secara tidak langsung, IIP mewujudkan mimpiku melalui tantangan yang diberikan, salah satunya tantangan ini.
(This post will be updated)
Dan belum bisa update lagi karena laptopnya lagi trouble
Berikut ini saya merangkum beberapa checklist kemampuan anak di range umur 3-4 tahun.
Saya merangkumnya dari berbagai sumber.
Secara umum, ceklis berikut ini hanya mencakup sedikit area kecerdasan, belum semuanya.
Masih kurang kecerdasan spiritual dan beberapa hal lainnya.
Ceklis ini bukan satu-satunya pegangan ya teman-teman.
Hanya garis besar secara umum.
Selamat menyimak ya teman-teman.
Social Skills
• Initiates and maintains independent play (for example, plays alone in the sandbox, or role-plays independently)
• Enjoys doing things on their own sometimes, such as reading, crafts or getting dressed
• Can separate from you for several hours, such as an afternoon at a friend’s house or a sleepover at Grandma’s
• Appears interested in going to a “big-kid” school, learning new things, and/or meeting new friends
• Enjoys participating in group activities
• Can express emotions, needs and requests
• Responds well to consistent routines, such as quiet time or naptime following lunch
• Anticipates what comes next during the day (for example, knows that naptime follows lunch)
• Be interested—although hesitant—about going new places and trying new things
• Start to play with children (as opposed to only playing side-by-side)
• Start being able to comfort and show concern for an unhappy friend without prompting
• Take turns while playing (even if they don’t like to)
• Play “real life” with toys like play kitchens
•Start finding simple ways to solve arguments and disagreements
• Show (but maybe not name) a variety of emotions beyond happy, sad and mad.
• Recognizes common features of the home and neighborhood, such as trees, houses and streets
• Shows interests in familiar people such as siblings, family members and friends
• Shows interests in common jobs and professions such as firefighter, doctor and nurse
• Imitate parents and friends
• Show affection for familiar family and friends
• Understands the idea of "mine" and "his/hers"
• Show a wide range of emotions, such as being sad, angry, happy, or bored
• Fantasy and pretend play becomes more interesting and involved
Motor Skills
•Increases proficiency in gross motor skills, strength and balance, such as jumping in place, standing on one foot, running and kicking
•Develops gross motor coordination, such as to navigate around obstacles
•Rides tricycles
•Runs to kick a stationary ball
•Improves hand-eye coordination when playing with building blocks and simple puzzles
•Begins to improve pencil control by using fingers rather than the whole fist to grasp pencil and stylus
•Begins to show left/right-handedness
•Walk up and down stairs, alternating feet -- one foot per step
•Kick, throw, and catch a ball
•Climb well
•Run more confidently and ride a tricycle
•Hop and stand on one foot for up to five seconds
•Walk forward and backward easily
•Bend over without falling
•Run and walk without tripping over own feet
•Jump, hop and stand on one foot
•Walk backwards and climb stairs one foot after the other
•Kick and throw a small ball; catch a bigger ball most of the time
•Start pedaling a tricycle or bike
•Draw a circle with a crayon, pencil or marker (Get tips to help young kids learn to write.)
•Play with toys with small moving parts and buttons
•Turn the pages of a book one at a time
•Build with Mega Bloks and create towers of six or more blocks
•Work door handles and twist-on bottle tops
Reasoning & Concept Development
•Matches like objects, mainly identical objects, or matches objects by shape and color
•Develops object permanence and understands that objects continue to exist even when out of sight
•Shows interests in tinkering with objects by taking things apart and putting them back together
•Explores with elements of nature, such as sand and water
•Remembers short sequences of events of 2 to 3 steps
•Correctly name familiar colors
•Understand the idea of same and different
•Pretend and fantasize more creatively
•Follow three-part commands
•Remember parts of a story
•Understand time better (for example, morning, afternoon, night)
•Count, and understand the concept of counting
•Sort objects by shape and color
•Complete age-appropriate puzzles
•Recognize and identify common objects and pictures
•Name the eight colors in a crayon box (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, brown, black)
•Recite numbers to 10 and start counting groups of things
•Start understanding time in terms of morning, night and days of the week
•Remember and retell favorite stories
•Understand and talk about things that are the “same” and “different”
•Follow simple three-step directions (“Brush your teeth, wash your face and put on your pajamas.”)
Language Skills
•Uses language to communicate with others for a variety of purposes (for example, describing something, making requests, greeting someone, etc.)
•Speaks clearly to be understood by others
•Uses accepted language and communication styles (for example, using polite manners, using appropriate volume and tone)
•Tells simple stories
•Uses accepted nouns, verbs and adjectives in familiar contexts
•Understands words for common categories (for example, toys, food, clothes)
•Uses sentences with two phrases or concepts
•Say his or her name and age
•Speak 250 to 500 words
•Answer simple questions
•Speak in sentences of five to six words, and speak in complete sentences by age 4
•Speak clearly
•Tell stories
•Use the basic rules of grammar, but make mistakes with words that don’t follow the rules, like saying “mouses” instead of “mice”
•Speak well enough that most strangers can understand what they’re saying
•Use five or six words in a sentence and have a two- to three-sentence conversation
•Tell you their name, the name of at least one friend and the names of most common objects
•Understand words like “in,” “on,” “behind” and “next”
•Ask “wh” questions, like “why,” to get more information about things
•Holds a book properly and turns pages
•Understands that words convey the message in a story
•Recognizes the first letter of their own name
•Knows some letter names
•Knows the main characters in familiar stories
•Enjoys reading books with others
•Holds a writing tool with a fist or finger grasp
•Draws with a variety of tools (crayons, pens, pencils)
•Scribble-writes in a linear fashion
•Makes marks and refer to them as “my name”
•More easily handle small objects and turn a page in a book
•Use age-appropriate scissors
•Copy circles and squares
•Draw a person with two to four body parts
•Write some capital letters
•Build a tower with four or more blocks
•Dress and undress without your help
•Screw and unscrew jar lids
•Turn rotating handles
•Identifies some shapes such as circle, square and triangle
•Understands and explores empty containers and full containers
•Recognizes and matches small quantities to the number words 1, 2 and 3
•Shows interest in numbers and recites some number words
•Can count along with help, although might make mistakes
•Distinguishes between "some" and "all," and parts of a whole
•Uses some size words, such as "many"
•Uses words such as "same as" to make comparisons
•Shows interests in patterns and sequences
•Classifies or sorts objects into simple groups (such as by colors and size)
•Understands the order of the day, and begins to use some time words such as "morning" and "night"
•Asks questions about objects, events and animals observed in their environment
•Considers and offers explanations of how things might work
•Shows interest in different animals and the sounds they make
•Uses descriptive terms such as "fast" and "slow," "hot" and "cold"
Creative arts & music
•Begins to use a variety of art tools such as crayon, construction paper and colored pencils
•Knows a few color words
•Drawings have basic resemblance to objects and people
•Articulates what he/she is drawing
•Likes to imitate sounds and rhythm; might have a favorite song
•Uses realistic toys in pretend play or to imitate household routines
•Engages in dramatic play with others to act out simple play scripts, such as playing house
When to Be Concerned
•Inability to throw a ball overhand, jump in place, or ride a tricycle
•Frequent falling and difficulty walking stairs
•Inability to hold a crayon between his or her thumb and fingers; has trouble scribbling and cannot copy a circle
•Unable to use a sentence with more than three words and uses "me" and "you" inappropriately
•Persistent drooling and trouble speaking
•Cannot stack four blocks and has trouble handling small objects
•Continues to experience extreme separation anxiety
•Lacks interest in interactive games and doesn't engage in fantasy play
•Does not play with other children and doesn't respond to non-family members
•Self control isn't improving when angry or upset
•Does not understand simple commands
•Avoids making eye contact
•Resists getting dressed, sleeping, and going to the bathroom
Ingat bahwa setiap anak memiliki kecenderungan dan perkembangan yang berbeda.
Ceklis hanya dilihat dari kebiasaan umum anak pada usia 3 tahun, untuk lebih baiknya silahkan hubungi dokter tumbuh kembang.
Pada anak yang menginjak usia 3 tahun, mungkin ada beberapa hal yang belum bisa dia lakukan.
Tidak apa karena ceklist ini untuk range 3-4 tahun.
Mohon dikoreksi jika ada salah ya.
Semoga bermanfaat 💖
Dr. Bettye M. Caldwell (Fisherprice),, Amanda Morin (, WebMD,, Heather Greutman (
Highly Sensitive Child : Hal-Hal yang Tidak Perlu Didengarkan - Game Level 3
Jumat, Januari 19, 20181. “If You Want To Sort Them, Give Them One For Good”
The last thing the parent of a highly sensitive child would do is to punish them or try hitting them. It would trigger an adverse effect. Things like raising voice against the child will harm his tender heart immeasurably.
Saya tidak pernah memukul.
It's a big no.
Tapi, jujur saja saya pernah meninggikan suara ketika kehilangan kontrol.
Dan itu langsung membuatnya diam. Bukan diam yang benar. Tapi diam yang 'tidak benar'. Ada yang salah dengan diamnya.
Seperti kaca yang pecah karena pukulan.
Dia menjadi diam karena 'terluka' dan saya menyadari hal itu akan melunturkan kepercayaannya pada orang tua nya ini.
Seperti kata ustad, salah satu hal paling penting yang diberikan anak kepada kedua orangtuanya adalah kepercayaan.
Semoga Allaah mengampuni Ummi.
Maafkan ummi ya nak.
2. “Make Them Attend Social Events And They Will Learn”
Busy activities can be too much to handle for highly sensitive children. It might take weeks for them to become normal after such events. Instead, when we respect their privacy, it will send them a positive message that we understand their boundaries. Such empathy will help them to become social with guidance.
Syaima suka bertemu banyak orang. Karena dia suka 'tampil' dan cenderung narsis.
Tidak ada masalah mengenai hidup bersosialisasi.
Tapi kadang memang dia lebih suka sibuk sendiri.
Tidak seperti teman-temannya yang selalu bermain di luar.
Dia hanya kadang-kadang saja.
3. “Leave Them By Themselves And They Will Come Around”
The issues which are troubling an extremely sensitive child are real. Leaving them by themselves in such a situation will only worsen the situation. If a child is not able to adjust to a new dress or a new environment, the thought will constantly be on their mind until you act and help them to get over the thought.
Ya. Time out sangat tidak berlaku untuknya.
Yang ada dia akan menjadi sangat histeris dan merasa sangat bersalah.
Pelukan dan bisikan “Gapapa. Yuk, ummi bantu...” justru lebih ampuh untuknya.
Dia mengerti, lebih mengerti dan memahami apa yang terjadi dari pada anak seumurannya.
4. “She Is Getting Too Personal”
Highly sensitive children take things to their heart and easily get involved emotionally. It takes time to teach them not be so and things just won’t happen over a day. Discarding their feelings with conclusions is never helpful.
Baperan ?
Bukan sih, lebih tepatnya perasa.
Segala hal dia rasakan dengan hatinya.
Seperti semalam.
Dia merajuk karena saya tidak menoleh ketika dia memanggil.
Saya yang sedang konsen mengaduk nasi, tidak begitu mendengar panghilannya.
Jadilah saya minta maaf.
Ketika mendengar suara tangisan anak tetangga, dia akan bertanya “Dia kenapa ya ummi ?”.
Semuanya masuk ke hatinya. Apapun yang dia lakukan pun sepenuh hati.
Jadi saya harus jeli, bahkan pada hal-hal kecil yang dia lakukan.
5. “She Needs To Be Involved In The Team”
Highly sensitive children often find it difficult to participate in team games as they feel stressed out due to competition. At times, team games may involve elements where they can be teased, or they may not be confident. Forcing them to play such sports will only damage their self-esteem and leave a permanent mark in their lives. Sometimes team games do help them to boost their confidence. If an extremely sensitive child is not a team player, you can encourage him to participate in sports which he can play individually.
Syaima is kinda game player.
Dia asyik sendiri, tapi juga suka ketika harus berbagi tugas dalam team.
6. “It Is Just A Thing That She Is Afraid Of”
The fear experienced by highly sensitive children is real, however petty it may seem. If they are alarmed or scared of anything, always acknowledge their fear and build confidence in them to face it. Talk to them on how they should overcome their fear.
Seperti syaima yang takut kucing.
Selalu saya sounding bahwa “Syaima tidak takut kucing. Syaima sayang kucing”.
Butuh waktu lama.
Tapi alhamduliLLaah sekarang mulai tidak takut kucing.
Juga hal-hal lain seperti suara blender, hewan kecil, serangga, kupu-kupu dan macam-macam.
7. “Toughen Them Up”
A highly sensitive child struggles to cope up with the surroundings. Do not be insensitive by making attempts to toughen them up. They might feel insecure as they can’t be who they are and lose their individuality. Giving them guidance on how to handle situations and taking care of them will gradually help them cope up with them.
Ya. Selalu menjelaskan apa yang terjadi, bagaimana menghadapi dan menangani sesuatu. Dan penjelasan-penjelasan lain akan sangat membantu.
Dia akan mendengarkan. Dan dia akan memahami.
Lebih paham dari pada anak seumurannya.
I proved it.
8. “She Is A Cry Baby”
As mentioned above, highly sensitive children take things to heart. Under uncomfortable situations, they find it too hard to hide their tears. You should empathize with them and understand their real feelings. Give them tools to cope up with situations than ridiculing them for their tears.
Orang yang tidak paham karakternya pasti akan mengatakan itu.
“Anak cengeng.”
“Gitu aja nangis.”
Dan lain lain..
No. Padahal itu karena kepekaan hati nya.
9. “They Have To Adjust However Distracting Environment Can Be”
An extremely sensitive child who is trying to cope up with the environment of the school or a group will find it highly difficult. Sometimes, the teacher may simply suggest that they have to adjust like the other students. But for a highly sensitive children, the problem is real and being in a distractive environment would simply worsen their feelings.
AlhamduliLLaah, tidak berada di lingkungan yang memaksanya untuk menyesuaikan diri pada hal-hal yang dia tidak cocok.
Sebenarnya ini yang saya khawatirkan, bila masuk sekolah baru nantinya.
Khawatir lingkungannya nanti tidak cicik dengan dirinya.
Kami masih menimbang homeschool.
10. “Is It Her You Are Talking About As She Is Not That Kid”
Highly sensitive children may put up a positive behaviour at school but throw up a tantrum at home. It is because she knows that the parents would understand her and in school she has to manage by herself.
Teachers may not understand that your child behaves that way at home.
Tidak juga. Di sekolah pun dia bisa ngambek.
Saya ingat ketika olah raga.
Ditengah senam, barisan anak-anak mulai kocar-kacir.
Lalu Bunda Guru menata kembali anakk-anak pada posisi awalnya.
Menggeser mereka satu demi satu.
Anak lain sih biasa saja, digeser atau diposisikan dimana saja nurut dan lanjut senam.
Pas giliran Syaima yang digeser, dia mendadak berhenti mengikuti gerakan senam dan cemberut hampir menangis.
Saya paham apa yang terjadi. Saya buka ke dua tangan saya, kode untuk memeluknya.
Dia pun lari ke pelukan saya dan menangis sesegukan. Mengatakan bahwa dia tidak mau dipindah.
Bagi yang tidak memahami karakter seperti ini, mereka akan menganggap hal ini lebay.
Padahal justru sebaliknya, hal semacam ini adalah santapan setiap saat.
If your child is highly sensitive, you are lucky to have such a caring person in your life.
Not all children can think about others the way your child can.
Be proud of your highly sensitive child and show her and the world that you are a lucky mommy.
Team with your child and be her biggest supporter too!
Hot to parent a highly sensitive child is extremely difficult.
AlhamduliLLaah. AlhamduliLLaah.
MasyaaAllaah 💖
Artikel masih dari
Pagi tadi sebelum berangkat sekolah.
Dia merengek, mewek karena kesulitan memakai kaos kaki.
“Susah ya, nanti ummi bantu ya.”
Ya, it's tight and stretch, kadang Ummi juga kesulitan pake kaos kaki. It's ok.
Tapi untuk orang tua lainnya, mungkin akan langsung tersulut emosi.
“Gitu aja nangis !”
Ya, saya juga pernah mengatakan itu beberapa kali. Semoga tidak akan pernah lagi.
Menjelang pulang sekolah.
Bunda Guru mengantarkan Syaima dalam keadaan menangis setelah selesai belajar memasukkan air ke dalam botol sirup.
Saya langsung memeluknya.
“Kenapa sayang ? Jatuh ?”
“Terus kenapa ?”
“Ayo kita pulang...”, ucapnya sambil menangis.
Oh my.. memang ketika itu teman-temannya sudah berkemas dan berhamburan di halaman sekolah.
Sementara dia belum apa-apa dan saya masih duduk manis, rapat dengan kepala sekolah.
Bayangkan betapa mudah runtuhnya anak yang super lemah lembut ini jika tidak punya pondasi yang kokoh.
Semoga Allaah selalu melindungi mu, nak.
How to Prevent Your Sensitive Child from Being Bullied?
1. Develop Their Confidence
Unconditional love and support from parents and other adults helps a child to build confidence. It gives them courage to share their fears with you. You have to teach her to stand up for herself, and at the same time protect and encourage her in every possible way.
2. Make Sure They Feel Safe
Take a chance to discuss the various things your child faces at school. Talk to them regarding their teachers, peers and their academics. If they are being bullied, teach them how to handle the situation. It is often suggested that they go to an adult for help in such circumstances. Try not to misguide by telling her to avoid or run away from bullying.
3. Count On Friends
Highly sensitive children find it difficult to be part of groups. Children in a group aren’t bullied as everyone is there for the other. It is important you tell the child the importance of having a friend and help them identify a good friend who will understand your child’s sensitive condition.
4. Be Physically Fit
Children who are active in sports are physically fit and also have more confidence than the other kids. As a sensitive child may avoid team sports, it is important you train them to be fit individually. Physical exercise helps them become healthier, stronger and confident.
5. Boost Her Confidence
A weak child will always be an easy target for bullying. When peers comment on physical appearance of children, an extremely sensitive child can be easily offended and become depressed. So it is suggested that you maintain a healthy diet for them so that they are fit and confident. A highly sensitive child, who is confident, can handle her sensitiveness.
1. Develop Their Confidence
AlhamduliLLaah saya sudah menerapkannya sejak sedini mungkin.
Bagaimanapun karakter anak, being confidence is a need.
Kepercayaan diri bisa berawal dari bagaimana orang tua bersikap terhadap anak.
Kadang malah orang tua nya lah yang justru membunuh kepercaya-diri-an anak-anak.
2. Make Sure They Feel Safe
Saya melakukannya, selalu berusaha melakukannya.
Karena saya menyadari kelemah-lembutan nya yang super.
Bahkan ketika dia baru berumur beberapa bulan saja, dia akan menangis ketika mendengar suara keras, seperti petir, mesin dan semacamnya.
Dari situ saya mulai menyadari 'sesuatu'.
3. Count On Friends
Yang ini saya belum bisa.
Karena sebagian besar waktu Syaima adalah di dalam rumah.
Masa sekolah hanya beberapa hari dalam sepekan.
Tapi Syaima juga bukan anak yang sulit bergaul.
Dia mudah bergaul dengan siapa saja.
Tapi ketika di sekolah, saya mengarahkan nya untuk lebih dekat dan lebih sering bermain dengan anak laki-laki.
Karena saya perhatikan, setiap bermain dengan anak laki-laki, dia lebih 'disayang' dan 'dilindungi'.
Berbeda ketika dia bermain dengan anak perempuan.
Lebih sering dibully.
Walaupun tidak semua anak perempuan begitu.
Ada anak perempuan yang juga bisa 'klop' dengan Syaima.
4. Be Physically Fit
Ya, dia suka permainan motorik kasar. Di rumah pun dia akan menjelajah seisi rumah dengan berbagai permainan.
Dia akan selalu penasaran ketika ummi melakukan ini dan itu, lalu dia akan meminta untuk mencobanya.
5. Boost Her Confidence
Ini yang terus saya lakukan, menjaga kepercayadiriannya.
Yes, she can.
How To Help A Sensitive Child ?
As you probably know already, parenting a highly sensitive child demands care and attention.
Follow these tips to handle him tactfully:
1. Acknowledge His Feelings
• Your kid has a high range of emotions running, and you have to tune in as a parent. Understand your child’s feelings. It is one of the first steps you need to take when you want to adopt the right parenting approach toward your highly sensitive child.
• Your child may feel emotional all the time, but remember the instances when you felt hurt and someone failed to understand that. Let your child know that you understand what he feels.
2. Don’t Try To Change Him
• For you, it may not be a great thing to be highly sensitive, but for your child, it is a way of life. As a parent, you may worry that being highly sensitive can hurt your child most of the times. It is perfectly understandable. But you also need to realize that this trait is not something your child can just delete.
• If you try and force your child to change, it will only make him retract into his shell. He will think you disapprove his behavior, and it will make him feel more guilty and quiet.
• Accept and love your child the way he is. Make him feel happy and proud, and not a misfit.
3. Reassure Him
• Tell your child that you love him no matter what. Use your words and actions to show your child that you love him just the way he is.
• Your child may sometimes feel he is different from others, and it can be quite a dismal thought for him.
4. Encourage His Positive Traits
• Some children can be rude and single out your child for being highly sensitive. Help your child to overcome these issues by highlighting his virtues.
• Show him how he can use his skills to his advantage. Tell him that being sensitive is good because he feels for others. Not everyone can do that.
• Your child may have an amazing imagination, he may be extremely creative, can be a wonderful listener, may perceive things much better and have a host of skills that not all children have.
• Help your child to realize these qualities and help him hone them more.
5. Guide Him Slowly
• Your highly sensitive child may find it very difficult to make certain choices. Your child may want to stay out of difficult or unfamiliar situations. He may not want to interact in a social gathering and be exceptionally shy. Help him face to these social situations by guiding him in interaction with others.
• If you feel you are not able to convince him, do not punish him. Speak to him and discuss your concerns. Tell him why you feel doing things a certain way can help him. Your highly sensitive child will understand your logic much better than other children of his age. Share with him all the reasons you have for asking him to follow your advice.
• Your child may not show any immediate improvement, but he may evolve gradually.
6. Take Baby Steps And Work As A Team
• Your support can help your child in a big way. Parenting the sensitive child includes a lot of support. There will be many instances where your child will highly benefit from your role as a partner than just a parent.
• For instance, your child may find it difficult to make friends in a new school or class. Help him out by planning individual interactions. You can arrange for separate play dates at your place where your child can interact with one or few new friends. It will help him gradually break the ice and get more comfortable and confident.
7. Don’t Apologize On His Behalf
• As a parent, you may sometimes apologize on your child’s behalf when you feel he isn’t socially comfortable. Stop apologizing on behalf of your highly sensitive child if you feel he made a social mistake. Understand that he is finding it challenging to adjust and is having a difficult time.
• If you apologize to others for your child’s behavior, it immediately sends out a wrong message. Your child will feel that he is a cause of embarrassment for you. It will make your child an introvert, and he may feel uncomfortable discussing his feelings with you later.
• Accept your child the way he is and support him in a crowd.
8. Plan Ahead
• Sudden situations can be very difficult for your highly sensitive child to handle. Parenting a sensitive child in this situation can be done the this way:
• You already know that your child does not like big interactions and social gatherings. Hoping that maybe it will work and planning something without his knowledge may prove a disaster instead of a success.
• It is good to first plan out things with your highly sensitive child. Sit down with him and take him through all that you are planning. Tell him why you feel he should go ahead with it even if he feels uncomfortable. Tell him about all the fun you can have together and how much he and everyone else will enjoy.
• Tell him he can always take a break with you in the middle of the event if he does not like it. Ask your child if he would like to help you plan things. Involve him in the preparation activities to help him cope with the situation.
9. Teach Your Child How To Manage A Crisis
• Your highly sensitive child may often not be able to cope up with a social situation. Even though you are always by your child’s side, there may be times when he has to manage alone. It could be in school, in class or at the house of a friend or relative.
• Teach your child ways in which he can calm down and control his anxieties. Repeating ‘it’s okay, I can handle this’ or ‘it will be over soon’ and ‘I can do it’ can help him feel better. Teach him to chant these magical words softly.
• Also, teach your child some simple deep breathing exercises. It will help your child during sudden panic attacks or anxiety episodes, when you may not be around to help him.
10. Stay Calm
• It is an extremely crucial parenting mantra. It is normal that you may sometimes lose your cool as a parent, especially when all your efforts to help go waste. Understand that this is not a condition but a personality trait. You just need to learn to start looking at things from his perspective.
• Do not feel guilty if your best strategies are not working. Stay calm and give yourself some time. Take a break and ask your partner for help, especially if you feel you may lose your temper.
11. See Sensitivity As A Gift
• Sometimes it is frustrating when your child is unable to handle situations or is crying a lot or avoiding social gatherings. You need to empathize their situation and identify their talents. Sensitive children are often gifted with various arts and skills; you just have to help them identify their potential and help them with it. Tell your kids about famous people who have their traits.
12. Focus On Strengths
• Remembering how your child is talented or how he handles situations is important. This way if you can be aware and accept their challenges, you can help them to train themselves to be more confident. Talk to your kid about the positive aspects of being sensitive.
Hari ke-14 ini saya masih mempelajari karakternya yang berkaitan erat dengan emosi nya.
Harusnya saya ya yang mengasah kecerdasan emosi anak.
Ini mah malah saya yang belajar.
Kebiasaan Anak HSC
• Anak HSC sangat mudah bersimpati kepada orang lain, tanpa memikirkan logika.
Empati nya sangat besar.
• Dia banyak bicara, suka mencari perhatian dan suka diapresiasi oleh orang-orang di sekelilingnya.
• Anak HSC lebih suka sendirian dan menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu beraktivitas sendiri.
• Mereka (selalu) bersungguh-sungguh dan sepenuh hati dalam mengerjakan sesuatu, bahkan sesuatu yang kecil/sepele sekalipun.
• Mereka percaya pada instingnya ketika memutuskan sesuatu.
• Anak HSC memiliki naluri yang tajam dalam memperhatikan dan memahami orang lain dengan sangat baik.
• Mereka biasanya menyayangi hewan.
• Mereka banyak bertanya, menanyakan berbagai hal.
• Mereka tidak menyukai film horor (dan action/thriller).
• Walaupun mereka suka bekerja sendirian, mereka juga bisa bekerjasama dengan baik dalam sebuah tim.
• Mereka suka beraktivitas dalam ruangan dimana mereka tidak terlihat oleh banyak orang.
• Satu tambahan dari saya.
Mereka pandai beradaptasi, karena mereka pandai menilai dan membaca lingkungan.
Hampir semuanya ada pada Syaima.
Jadi tantangan Bunsay kali ini asli saya yang ditantang untuk mengenali sisi unik anak dan karakternya.
(artikel asli)
Habits Of A Highly Sensitive Child
• Highly sensitive kids with their heart, as they sympathize others. Logic doesn’t apply.
• They are talkative and would like to be appreciated by their peers. But when people offer advice they may be easily offended.
• These children prefer to be alone, and spend more time by themselves.
• They work hard to ensure that they are perfect in their work.
• They trust their instinct while taking a decision.
• Sensitive kids have a keen sense of observation and understand people well.
• They love animals.
• They ask a lot of questions.
• These kids do not like horror movies.
• While they prefer to work alone, they can also be good team players.
• They like to work in closed environments where they are not visible to others.
Signs, Habits & Parenting
oleh Debolina Raja
dari MomJunction dot com
Is your child always on the brink of tears? Does your child suddenly go all quiet, or shy away from people and situations? Do you feel your child’s reactions are a little too emotional? If your answers are yes, then your child could be sensitive. A sensitive child needs to be dealt with delicately.
If you feel your parenting skills are resulting in extreme reactions from your child, maybe it’s time to do a reality check. Read on to know if your child is highly sensitive and what you need to do to handle him with care.
Saya mulai merasakannya semenjak dia berumur beberapa bulan.
Saya tidak tau banyak tentang karakter anak dan semacamnya. Yang saya lakukan hanya memberikan yang terbaik. Tapi saya yang masih lemah ini harus terus belajar demi menjadi ibu yang lebih baik lagi hari demi hari.
Signs Of A Highly Sensitive Child
A highly sensitive child, as the name suggests, is more susceptible to the people and situations around him. Here are a few highly sensitive child traits you may notice in your child :
1. Your highly sensitive child will react with emotionally to almost everything.
A simple visit to a pet store could leave him feeling miserable for the animals there. A stern look from you could reduce him to tears. Being highly sensitive also makes your child empathize with others. He may feel so bad about others’ problems that he wants to go out of his way to help them. He may worry too much about others and want to make things right for them.
2. Broods Over Failures
If your child is highly sensitive, he will delve deeper into things than most other children of his age do. For your child, a simple event like failure to achieve a particular target will not be just that. He broods over the matter, thinking why he did not realize the mistake in time, and what he could have done about it. This could result in stress and anxiety.
3. Takes Things Personally
For your child, being highly emotional means that everything that happens is personal. Your child will react to everything in a way where he feels whatever others say is applicable to him only.
4. Difficulty In Making A Choice
A common trait among highly sensitive children is the difficulty in taking a decision. Your child will look into various details and subtleties, making it difficult for him to select. For instance, if asked to choose a flavor of ice cream, your child will take a long time to decide. In certain cases, he may find it difficult to choose, like something as simple as choosing a partner in a game.
5. Feels Guilty
If your child feels that he has taken a wrong decision he will feel extremely guilty. He will ponder over too much into the reasons. No matter what you say or do, he would not come out of it for a long time.
6. Displays A Tough Exterior
You don’t want to be on the wrong side for your sensitive kids. They may be mad at you for a month. They may be hurt by something you did or said and will simply hold on it than expressing it to you.
7. Well-mannered And Polite
Kids who are sensitive are well behaved and also expect to be in similar surroundings.
8. They Read People Well
Sensitive kids have a keen sense of observation and know people well. They observe character traits and gather an accurate story of who the person is.
9. They Love Animals
Kids who are sensitive develop a special bond with animals wherein they trust them completely. It’s not just trust they are also sensitive to the needs of animals and take extra care of it.
10. They Ask A Lot Of Questions
Kids generally ask a lot of questions. At times the questions can be irritating and may be personal. But in general the questions may leave you with a sense of positive thought.
11. They Are Calculative And Take Firm Decisions
Sensitive kids generally make decisions after putting in a lot of going through a lot of emotions. They do things for a reason and if they fail, they are often left in self-doubt. Once they have taken a decision, they usually stand by it even if they are alone and can be disheartened at times to see how insensitive others can be.
12. They Feel Accountable And Admit Their Mistakes
Sensitive kids not only try and study their environment but also continually evaluate themselves and keep their emotions in check. If they feel they have done a mistake they don’t hesitate to admit it and they always appreciate others for small acts.
Artinya apa ?
Artinya saya yang harus belajar kecerdasan emosi.
Karena saya kadang tidak bisa mengontrol emosi dengan baik.
Bahkan walau sekedar diam pun Syaima bisa merasakan gejolak emosi saya.
Semoga Allaah mengampuni.
Sudah diamanahi bayi imut yang taking care of other dan sweet begini kalo masih ga bisa memberi teladan yang baik itu kebangetan...
Iya, saya bukan tipe ibu rumah tangga idaman banget.
Buka mata, cuci muka, lalu mulai beraksi.
Saya membuatkan segelas madu dingin untuk suami tercinta.
Kemudian berlanjut menyiapkan sarapan Talbinah untuk suami dan bayi imut.
Tau Talbinah ? Pernah dengar ? Pernah lihat ? Atau malah suka ?
Kemasannya seperti ini.
Yang saya tahu di Indonesia baru ada merk ini, belum pernah ketemu merk yang lain.
Isinya serbuk, seperti serbuk bubur lainnya.
Tapi karena ini adalah gandum, jadi terasa lebih kasar.
Dan saya lebih suka ini dari pada bubur yang terlalu lembut.
Cara membuatnya agak berbeda dengan bubur biasanya.
• Cairkan serbuk bubur dengan sedikit air dingin, sampai basah saja, tidak perlu sampe encer.
• Panaskan sedikit air, disesuaikan dengan jumlah serbuknya, jangan terlalu banyak air.
• Bisa ditambahkan gula sesuai selera, karena ini plain, tanpa rasa.
• setelah air mendidih, masukan adonan bubur di step pertama.
• Aduk-aduk terus sampai mengental.
• Setelah mengental, matikan kompor.
• Tuang ke piring/mangkok
• Ready to serve 🍲
Talbinah adalah bubur gandum.
Rasanya ya seperti bubur gandum biasanya. Dan seperti bubur bayi juga.
Tapi kalo dibuat agak kental cenderung keras, malah lebih enak menurut saya.
Terdapat hadist pada kemasannya.
Saya membelinya di toko herbal dekat rumah.
Harga nya sekitar 40-ribuan.
Tapi saya dapatnya sekitar 28 ribu, hehee..
Usai menyiapkan sarapan, saya menyeduh kopi.
Lalu membiarkannya dingin, untuk kemudian ditambah es.
Es kopi adalah sesuatu, semacam mood booster atau sekedar favorit saja sih.
Pokoknya suka 💖
Saya tidak menyiapkan makan untuk sarapan ?
Sarapan kami sesederhana itu.
Usai sarapan kami biasanya ngobrol santai, kadang juga diskusi tentang sesuatu.
Sambil tiduran di kasur tentunya.
Sekitar jam sepuluh kami berkemas, daya ingin mencari tinta printer.
Saat keluar rumah, langit gelap mendung. Tidak berapa lama kemudian gerimis mulai turun.
Kami langsung putar arah, ngebut dari kejaran hujan.
“Mau makan apa ?”
“Gado-gado ya”
“Gado-gado lagi ?”
Hihii, semalam kami sudah makan gado-gado.
Memilih 'makan apa' adalah sesuatu yang ga begitu penting untuk saya, karena saya pemakan segala -yang halal dong ya-.
Ngga masak ? Engga.
Ngga nyuci ? Engga.
Weekend adalah family time.
Yang artinya, waktu dihabiskan bersama-sama sepanjang
Kalaupun masak, ya kami belanja dan masak bersama.
Akhirnya mendarat di warteg. Beli beberapa bungkus lauk.
Dan melihat situasi sepertinya tidak jadi hujan, kami memutuskan melanjutkan perjalanan mencari tinta.
Belum lama berkendara di jalan utama, hujan mulai mengejar -lagi-.
Akhirnya kami pun putar balik lagi.
Sampai di dekat perumahan, lagi-lagi hujan mereda.
Hhmmm.. Mungkin memang di sini saja yang belum kejatah hujan.
Di perjalanan pulang, kami mampir membeli buah. Dibungkuslah tiga ikat rambutan dan dua buah naga.
Tidak bertahan lama.
Sampai rumah langsung diserbu. Dan habis oleh kami bertiga, manusia/manusia buah.
Sepanjang siang saya menemani Syaima 'sibuk' di kamar mainnya. Jangan tanya kondisinya kaya apa. Bersepah-sepah seperti biasa. Yang penting dia 'terpenuhi' dan seneng.
Malamnya kami melihat laga Indonesia vs Iceland.
Di tengah break, saya ajak Pak Su photocopy worksheet.
Worksheet bejibun yang saya siapkan untuk aktifitas Syaima.
Kebanyakan adalah tracing, menggunting dan mewarnai.
Tidak, saya tidak menyuruhnya 'ngerjain PR' macam ini.
Tapi memang anaknya suka.
Pertama kali ketika saya mencetak (print) worksheet ini, saya katakan padanya “Ini buat belajar Syaima ”.
“Yeay !”
Dan dia sangat antusias.
Jadi ketika dia sudah cape playing aroung the house, biasanya dia akan duduk manis dan sibuk sendiri.
Seperti Ummi, tangan kita sama-sama ga betah diem.
Baiklah, cukup sekian dulu cerita ngalor-ngidulnya.
Masih banyak kegiatan di hari ahad dan ahad-ahad lainnya.
Padahal saya tidak bilang apa-apa.
Syaima menunjuk whiteboard ketika melihat saya sedang mencoret di lantai untuk mencoba spidol yang baru diisi tinta.
Dia sangat mematuhi aturan. Yang kadang saya sendiri kurang begitu mematuhinya seperti sekarang ini.
Saya membiarkan Syaima ngomel beberapa saat, sampai saya selesai mengisi-ulang tinta spidol.
“Maafkan aku ya Ummi”, ucapnya sambil mengulurkan tangan.
“Mana ya empit nya..”
Padahal tadi si Empit sudah pamit mau pulang.
Dan Syaima pun sudah bilang 'hati-hati ya' kepada Empit.
Tapi sepertinya dia mengira Empit akan balik lagi.
Syaima berlari menghampiri saya di dapur.
Wajahnya manyun dan hampir menangis.
Syaima melihat Abi dengan pandangan cemas.
Abi nampak kesakitan dan agak susah berjalan.
Melihatnya, Syaima memasang wajah empati.
Memberi sugesti bahwa 'sudah disayang, sudah sembuh deh'.
Dan itupun menjadi kebiasaannya juga.
Ummi tau apa yang kamu rasakan nak.
Kadang ummi sendiri pun labil dan berimbas kepadanya.
Belajar lagi dan lagi.
Saya ingin mengobservasi kecerdasan spiritual Syaima, lalu dilanjut dengan observasi kecerdasan emosi nya.
Paling mentok hanya melabeli sebagai anak sensi.
Dan saya kurang suka itu.
Highly sensitive child.
Atau biasanya disingkat HSC.
Jangan tanya ketika kita sama-sama nonton film action.
Waww, MasyaaAllaah...
Dia akan teriak-teriak sejadi-jadinya.
Bukan karena ketakutan sama action-nya, tapi karena kasihan sama orang-orang yang terluka atau terjatuh.
Dia akan heboh sendiri dan sibuk bertanya kenapa si kucing nya, mau apa si kucing nya, apa si kucing kelaparan atau mencari ibu(kucing)nya, bla bla bla..
Dan dia akan langsung meminta maaf pada saya.
Saya bersyukur sekali.
Tapi empatinya MasyaaAllaah luar biasa.
Yang itu harus saya rawat dan jaga.
Jangan sampai melukainya.
Mau menunjukkan emosinya, baik emosi positif mau negatif.
Untuk Syaima, dia lebih sering yang positif.
Emosi negatif juga ditunjukkan, tapi tidak lama.
Sebab dia akan langsung minta maaf karena sudah bersikap 'negatif'.
Seperti ummi nih yang harus banyak-banyak sabar, belajar dan taubat.
Semoga Allaah mengampuni ummi dan memampukan ummi mendidik anak super seperti Syaima, aamiin.
Seperti tadi siang, ketika saya memberikan selembar worksheet untuk Syaima.
Saya mengarahkan agar Syaima mewarnai gambar pelangi di lembar itu.
Ucapnya dengan ekspresif, senyum lebar dan mata berbinar, sambil menunjukkan gambar pelangi yang diwarnai merah semua :D
Tidak kalah ekspresif.
Tidak perlu saya tuliskan karena untuk anak normal biasanya ini termasuk lebay, hahaa.
Mengumpulkan beberapa referensi untuk bahan evaluasi kami.
Banyak sih, dari berbagai sumber.
Kebetulan rapor nya belum dibalikin.
“Hafalan anak kecil bagaikan mengukir di atas batu, dan hafalan seorang anak dewasa bagaikan menulis di atas air.”
(HR. Imam ad-Dailami, dalam Musnadul Firdaus no. 2735)
“Barang siapa yang menghafal Al-Quran sebelum ia baligh, maka ia termasuk orang yang di beri ilmu sejak masih kecil.”
(HR. Imam Al-Baihaqi, dalam Syu'abul Iman, IV/507)
“Barang siapa yang mempelajari Al-Quran di usia muda, maka Allah akan menyatukan Al-Quran dengan daging dan darahnya.”
“Sebab, siapa saja yang memiliki keinginan untuk menghafal Al-Quran dan semangat yang tinggi, niscaya dia dapat menghafalnya jika ia menetapkan suatu target di hadapannya. Yakni, target bahwa ia harus mampu menghafalnya.”
Saya banyak mengenal para ikhwan yang mampu menghafal seluruh Al-Quran setelah mereka berusia lebih dari empat puluh.
Karena Syaima memang suka sekali kereta.
Jadi saya memperbolehkan syaima bermain hape untuk melihat video itu saja.
Tentu saja belum tartil, karena huruf hijaiyah pun belum paham.
Setidaknya dia hafal vokal dan irama nya.
Saya memutarnya sepanjang hari.
Kadang Syaima yang minta, “Ummi, aku mau suarakan kereta.”
Padahal hanya suara murotal tanpa gambar kereta, hihii.
Bahkan ketika dia tidur siang seperti sekarang ini.
Dia melafalkan doa dengan logatnya yang lucu.
hanya saja saya sering mengucapkannya dengan vokal.
Setidaknya agar Syaima mendengar.
Ummi dan Abi harus terus belajar memperbaiki diri agar Syaima bisa meniru dan membiasakan hal baik without orders and commands.
“Lihat, nak. Doa syaima dikabulkan sama Allaah. Bilang apa sama Allaah ?”
Saya juga memintanya untuk berdoa kepada Allaah.
Dia masih memakai mukena.
Ya. Dia baru selesai sholat.
Tapi kami tetap mengenalkan dan membiasakan, tidak memaksakan.
Tadinya suami agak memaksakan bahwa Syaima harus sholat juga walaupun masih kecil.
Tapi hal itu tidak memberi efek apapun kecuali Syaima jadi tidak sebaik biasanya.
Untungnya masa ini hanya berlangsung singkat.
Anak kecil mana yang tidak suka main air..
Setidaknya dia akan bersemangat menuju tempat sholat dengan 'bermain air' dulu sebelumnya.
Jadi ketika Syaima hendak sholat, dia berkata "nanti disayang Allaah ya Mi".
Sehingga dia terpancing untuk memilih lalu ikut mengerjakan sholat.
Walaupun entah apa yang dibacanya, hehee.
Jadi saya tinggal membiasakan nya dam menjadikan ini sebagai bagian dari hidupnya.
Sambil membaca, berkisah, sekaligus menjelaskan nilai-nilai yang ingin anak kita pahami.
Namanya juga buku mewarnai :D
Tapi dari satu halaman saja kita bisa bercerita banyak untuk anak.
Seperti malam ini, saya membaca dan bercerita dari satu halaman ke halaman dengan cerita yang saya kembangkan sendiri.
Kami membacanya bersama-sama sambil menunjuk tulisannya. (Kebetulan di buku ini ada tulisan basmalahnya).
Halaman pertaman adalah menyiram tanaman.
Ceritanya saya kembangkan lagi dengan cerita versi kami.
Saya tidak hanya sekali membacakan cerita ini untuknya.
Kadang cerita yang saya sampaikan berbeda di lain waktu.
Dan sering saya melontarkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan di antara cerita kami.
Supaya bunganya sehat, segar, kuat, dll.
Dan agar disayang Allaah karena sudah merawat tanaman.
Tentu saja dengan bahasa si Bayi Imut.
Saya bercerita tentang ayam, ada berapa ekor ayam, berapa anak aya, warnanya.
Juga bercerita tentang ayam yang lapar, makanan ayam, dll.
Lalu diakhiri dengan menyampaikan bahwa jika kita menyayangi hewan, nanti Allaah akan menyayangi kita.
Dan ketika saya menyampaikan sesuatu, hampir selalu saya memintanya menyebutkan ulang apa yang tadi saya sampaikan.
Agar dia terbiasa dan menjadi dekat dengan Allaah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, bukan hanya ketika dalam urusan ibadah.
Sebelumnya, sama sekali tidak mau. Jadi ketika dia pegang buku, maunya dia baca sendiri.
Padahal mah belum tau ABC. Jadi dia membaca buku versi ceritanya sendiri berdasarkan gambar yang ada di buku.
Tapi ini menjadi alat peraga yang ampuh ketika kita (saya dan anak) membaca bersama.
Di situ saya menanyakan pertanyaan yang memancing.
Memang betul di usia ini, anak benar-benar berfikir abstrak.
Saya tidak perlu menjelaskan Allaah itu seperti apa, dimana dan semacamnya, tapi dia entah bagaimana paham dan percaya.
AlhamduliLLaah masih berkesempatan mengoptimalkan masa emas ini.
🍄Prinsip Kebenaran
🍄Prinsip keadilan
🍄Prinsip kebaikan
Bayi Imut Ummi
Spiritual Intelligence
"Aku sayang Allaah, Allaah sayang aku"
Agar cinta itu tertanam kokoh di hati dan mendarahdaging.